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2024 Blue Cross and Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan - FEP Blue Focus
Section 9. Coordinating Benefits With Medicare and Other Coverage

When you have other health coverage
When you have other health coverage
You must tell us if you or a covered family member has coverage under any other group health plan or has automobile insurance that pays healthcare expenses without regard to fault. This is called “double coverage.”

When you have double coverage, one plan normally pays its benefits in full as the primary payor and the other plan pays a reduced benefit as the secondary payor. We, like other insurers, determine which coverage is primary according to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ (NAIC) guidelines. For example:

  • If you are covered under our Plan as a dependent, any group health insurance you have from your employer will pay primary and we will pay secondary.
  • If you are an annuitant under our Plan and also are actively employed, any group health insurance you have from your employer will pay primary and we will pay secondary.
  • When you are entitled to the payment of healthcare expenses under automobile insurance, including no-fault insurance and other insurance that pays without regard to fault, your automobile insurance is the primary payor and we are the secondary payor.

For more information on NAIC rules regarding the coordinating of benefits, visit our website at

When we are the primary payor, we will pay the benefits described in this brochure.

When we are the secondary payor, we will determine our allowance. After the primary plan processes the benefit, we will pay what is left of our allowance, up to our regular benefit. We will not pay more than our allowance. For example, we will generally only make up the difference between the primary payor’s benefits payment and 100% of the Plan allowance, subject to our applicable deductible and coinsurance or copayment amounts, except when Medicare is the primary payor (see Section 9). Thus, it is possible that the combined payments from both plans may not equal the entire amount billed by the provider.

Note: When we pay secondary to primary coverage you have from a prepaid plan (HMO), we base our benefits on your out-of-pocket liability under the prepaid plan (generally, the prepaid plan’s copayments), subject to our deductible and coinsurance or copayment amounts.

In certain circumstances when we are secondary and there is no adverse effect on you (that is, you do not pay any more), we may also take advantage of any provider discount arrangements your primary plan may have and only make up the difference between the primary plan’s payment and the amount the provider has agreed to accept as payment in full from the primary plan.

Note: Any visit limitations that apply to your care under this Plan are still in effect when we are the secondary payor.

Remember: Even if you do not file a claim with your other plan, you must still tell us that you have double coverage, and you must also send us documents about your other coverage if we ask for them.

Please see Section 4, Your Costs for Covered Services, for more information about how we pay claims.