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2024 Blue Cross and Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan - FEP Blue Focus
Do not rely only on this page; it is for your convenience and may not show all pages where the terms appear. This Index is not an official statement of benefits.

Abortion - 44 - 4567 - 69111 - 112    
Accidental injury - 76 -79101 
Acupuncture - 53 - 5469 - 72 
Affordable Care Act (ACA) - 912 
Allergy care - 47 
Allogeneic transplants - 61 - 63 
Alternative treatments - 53 - 54 
Ambulance - 21 - 2476 
Ambulatory surgical center - 69 -72100 
Anesthesia - 44 - 45,  66 - 72102  
Angiographies - 39 -4069 - 72 
Appeals - 29115 -118 
Applied behavior analysis (ABA) - 21 -2447 -4869 -72111 - 112 
Assistant surgeon - 20 
Autism spectrum disorder - 47 - 4869 - 72111 - 112 
Autologous transplants - 59 - 63 
Biopsies - 40 -4256 - 5769 - 72 
Birthing centers - 19 - 20,  2644 - 4566 - 69 
Blood and blood plasma - 52 - 5369 - 72 
Blood or marrow stem cell - 21 - 2447 - 4859 - 63 
Blue Distinction Centers - 19 - 20 
   for Transplants - 21 - 2463 
Blue Distinction Specialty Care - 19 - 24 
Blue Health Assessment - 40 - 42103132 
Bone density tests - 39 - 4069 - 72 
Brand-name drugs - 96 - 99 
BRCA - 21 - 2439 - 42 
Breast pump and supplies - 44 - 45 
Breast reconstruction - 57 - 59 
Breast prostheses and surgical bras - 51 
Breastfeeding support and supplies - 44 - 4567 - 69 
Cancer tests - 40 - 42 
Cardiac rehabilitation - 21 - 2447 - 4869 - 72 
Cardiovascular monitoring - 39 - 4069 - 72 
Care Management Programs - 104 - 105 
Case management - 104 - 105 
Casts - 56 - 5766 - 6769 - 72 
Catastrophic protection - 32127 - 128142
Cervical cancer screening - 40 -  43  
CHAMPVA - 119 - 120 
Changes for 2021 - 15 - 17 
Chemotherapy - 47 - 486369 - 72  
Children’s Equity Act - 10 - 11 
Chiropractic manipulative treatment - 47 - 4853 - 54 
Cholesterol tests - 39 - 42 
Circumcision - 44 - 4556 - 5767 - 69 
Claims and claims filing
Overseas - 32108 - 109 
Post-service - 28113 - 114116135 
Pre-service - 2128 - 29135 
Clinic visits - 38 - 3969 - 7281 - 82 
Clinical trials - 21 - 2461 - 62122130 
Cognitive rehabilitation - 48 - 4969 - 73113 
Coinsurance - 30107130 
Colonoscopy - 40 - 4256 - 5769 - 72 
Colorectal cancer tests
Colonoscopy - 40 - 4256 - 5769 - 72 
Fecal occult blood test - 40 - 42
Sigmoidoscopy - 40 - 42 
Confidentiality - 13 - 14 
Congenital anomalies - 21 - 2456 - 57130 
Consultations - 38 - 3981 - 82
Contact lenses - 49 - 50110 
Contraceptives - 45 - 4669 - 7296 - 99 
Coordination of benefits - 119 - 128 
Copayments - 30 
CORE benefits - 36 
Cosmetic surgery - 56 - 59130 
Cost-share/cost-sharing - 30 
Costs for covered services - 30 - 33 
Coverage information - 9 
Covered facility providers - 19 - 20 
Covered professional providers - 18 
CT scans - 39 - 4069-72129  
Custodial or long term care - 130 
Deductible - 30 
Definitions - 129 - 137 
Dental care - 101 - 102110121 
Diabetic education - 5469 - 72 
Diabetic supplies
Diabetic Meter Program - 96 - 99 
Insulin pumps - 51 - 52 
Insulin, test strips, and lancets - 96 - 99 
Needles and disposable syringes - 96 - 99 
Diagnostic and treatment services - 38 - 39 
Diagnostic tests - 39 - 4081 - 84 
Dialysis - 47 - 4851 - 5269 - 72  
Disease Management - 104 - 105 
Disputed claims - 28 - 29116 - 118 
Divorce - 12 
DNA analysis of stool samples - 40 - 42 
Donor expenses - 63 
Drugs (see: Prescription drugs)
Durable medical equipment - 51 - 5269 - 72130 - 131 
Prosthetic devices - 21 - 245166 -6769 - 72 
Educational classes and programs - 54 
EEGs - 39 - 4069 - 72 
EKGs - 39 - 4069 - 72 
Emergency - 202776 - 80101107 
Enrollment - 9 - 101820 - 21 
Exception situations - 20 
Exclusions - 111 - 112 
Experimental or investigational - 59 - 60111 - 112131 
Extended care benefits - 73 
Eyeglasses - 49 - 50 
Facility providers - 19 - 20 
Family planning - 45 - 46 
Fecal occult blood test - 40 - 42 
FEDVIP - 101 - 121 
fepblue mobile application - 106 - 4 
Flexible benefits option - 105 
Foot care - 50 
Formulary/Preferred drug list - 87 
Fraud - 4 - 5 
Gender affirming care - 21 - 245155 - 5765 
Generic drugs - 96 - 99 
Generic equivalents - 85 - 86 
Genetic screening/testing - 21 - 2439 - 4069 -72 
Health Insurance Marketplace - 12 
Health tools - 103 
Healthy Families - 103 
Hearing aids and hearing services - 49 
Home health services - 53 
Home nursing care (maternity) - 44 - 4553 
Hospice care - 73 - 75 
Hospital - 19 - 20  
inpatient - 66 - 6783102126 
outpatient - 69 - 7283 - 84102 
Human papillomavirus (HPV) tests - 40 - 43 
Hypertension Management Program - 103 - 104 
Identification cards - 18 
Immunizations - 40 - 4396 - 99 
Inpatient hospital benefits - 66 - 67 
Inpatient professional services - 38 - 3981 - 82 
Insulin - 96 - 99 
Insulin pumps - 51 - 52
Laboratory and pathology services - 20 
Low-dose CT screening - 135 
Mammograms - 40 - 42 
Manipulative treatment - 53 - 54 
Maternity care - 262844 - 45 
Maxillofacial surgery - 59 
Medicaid - 120 
Medical emergency - 7779 - 80 
Medical foods - 52 - 5396 - 99132 
Medical supplies - 52 - 5366 - 7596 - 99 
Medically necessary - 212428111 - 112132 - 133 
Medicare - 124 - 26119 - 128 
Medications and supplies - 96 - 99 
Medications to promote better health - 42 - 4396 - 99 
Member facilities - 19 - 20 
Mental health/substance use disorder - 81 - 84 
MRIs - 39 - 4069 - 72129 
Multiple procedures - 56 - 57 
MyBlue Customer eService - 104 
National Doctor & Hospital Finder - 104 
Neurological testing - 39 - 4069 - 72 
Never Events - 6  - 8133 
Newborn care - 2838 - 3942 - 4567 - 69 
No Surprises Act (NSA) - 31 - 32 
NON-CORE benefits - 36 
Non-member facilities - 19 - 20 
Non-participating providers - 31 - 32134 
Non-preferred providers - 1831 - 32 
Nurse - 5373 - 75 
Nutritional counseling - 38 - 4356 - 5766 - 69 
Observation care - 133 
Obstetrical care - 44 - 4567 - 69
Occupational therapy - 48 - 4969 - 75 
Office visits - 38 - 3981 - 82 
Online Health Coach (OHC) - 103 
Oral surgery - 59 
Organ/tissue transplants - 21 - 2459 - 6062 - 64 
Orthopedic devices - 5157 - 5969 - 72 
Osteoporosis screening - 135 
Ostomy and catheter supplies - 52 - 53 
Out-of-pocket expenses - 32134 - 135 
Outpatient facility services - 69 - 72102 
Outpatient professional services - 38 - 3981 - 82 
Overpayments - 33 
Overseas Assistance Center - 107 
Overseas services, drugs, supplies and claims - 32107 - 109 
Oxygen - 51 - 5366 - 75 
Pap tests - 40 - 43 
Participating providers - 31 - 32 
Patient Safety and Quality Monitoring (PSQM) program - 85 - 86 
Personal Health Record - 103 
PET scans - 39 - 4069 - 72129 
Pharmacotherapy - 38 - 3947 - 48 
Physical examinations - 69 - 72111 - 112 
Physical therapy - 48 - 4969 - 75 
Physician - 18123127131135 
Plan allowance - 31133 - 134 
PPO - 13 - 1419 - 20135 
Pre-admission testing - 66 - 67 
Precertification - 21 - 24262855 - 566572 - 738183135 
Preferred providers - 13 - 1418104 
Pregnancy (see: Maternity care)
Prescription drugs
Brand-name drugs - 96 - 99 
Drugs from other sources - 100 
Generic drugs - 96 - 99 
Preferred retail pharmacies - 96 - 99114 
Retail Pharmacy Program - 85 - 86108 - 109 
Self-injectable drugs - 96  - 99 
Specialty Drug Pharmacy Program - 85 - 8696 - 99114 
Specialty drugs - 96 - 99136 
Preventive care
Adult - 40 - 42135 
Child - 42 - 43 
Primary care provider (PCP) - 36 
Prior approval - 21 - 242639 - 4247 - 4851 - 5255 - 5759 - 60636569 - 7681 - 8285 - 86135 
Professional providers - 18 
Prostate cancer - 40 - 42 
Prosthetic devices - 5156 - 5766 - 6769 - 72 
Psychotherapy - 81 - 84
Pulmonary rehabilitation - 47 - 4869 - 72 
Radiation therapy - 47 - 4869 - 72 
Reconsiderations - 28116 - 118 
Replacement coverage - 11 - 12 
Reproductive services - 46 - 47129 
Assisted reproductive technology (ART) - 46 - 47129 
Residential treatment center (RTC) - 19 - 21262872 - 7383
Rights and responsibilities - 13 - 14 
Room and board - 66 - 6772 - 7383 
Routine Annual Physical Incentive Program - 106 
Screening services - 135 
Second surgical opinion - 38 - 39 
Self-injectable drugs - 85 - 100 
Skilled nursing facility (SNF) care - 73130 
Smoking cessation - 5496 - 99 
Social worker - 104 - 105 
Specialty Drug Pharmacy Program - 96 - 99108 - 109114  
Specialty drugs - 85 - 100136 
Speech therapy - 48 - 4969 - 75 
Speech-generating devices - 51 - 52
Stem cell transplants - 21 - 2459 - 60 
Sterilization procedures - 45 - 46, 56 - 57  
Subrogation - 120 - 121136 
Substance use disorder - 81 - 84 
Surgery - 19 - 2449 - 5155 - 65130 
Assistant surgeon - 20
Eye: cataract, amblyopia, strabismus - 56 - 57 
Gender affirming - 21 - 2656 - 57 
Multiple procedures - 55 - 57 
Oral and maxillofacial - 59 
Outpatient - 56 - 5769 - 72 
Reconstructive - 21 - 2457 - 59 
Sterilization, reversal of voluntary - 45 - 4656 - 57 
Surgical implants - 5169 - 72 
Surgical treatment of morbid obesity - 21 - 2456 - 57 
Transplants - 21 - 2459 - 64 
Syringes - 96 - 99 
Dermatology - 38 - 39136 
Mental health/substance use disorder - 81 - 82136 
Minor acute conditions - 38 - 39133 
Nutritional counseling - 40 - 43105 
Temporary Continuation of Coverage (TCC) - 11 - 12 
Tobacco cessation - 5496 - 99 
Transplants - 19 - 2447 - 4859 - 63 
Travel benefit - 63103 
Treatment therapies - 47 - 49 
TRICARE - 119 - 122 
Ultrasounds - 39 - 4069 - 72 
Urgent care center - 78 - 80 
Urgent care claims - 27136 
VA facility - 127 
Vaccines - 40 - 4396 - 99 
Verbal statements - 428104 - 105 
Vision services - 49 - 50
Waivers - 31 
Weight control - 21 - 2456 - 57 
Wheelchairs - 51 - 52 
Wigs - 51 
WRAP benefits - 36 
X-rays - 39 - 4069 - 72